NetTools v1.19.0

LDAP Performance
Added support for SSL LDAP connections

LDAP Search
Attribute DecodeType Manager – the ability to manage the DecodeType assigned to attributes.  There is a new button at the end of the Attribute field to open the DecodeType manager  ** New **
Added HEX DecodeType **New **
Added GUID_RAW DecodeType ** New **
Added GUID_LDAP DecodeType ** New **
Added ParentDN DecodeType  which returns the parent DN from the DistinguishedName attribute, only CN and OU parents are currently supported ** New **
Updated certificate verification options:

Verify Certs       Display Results              Behavior
Not selected      N\A                               No verification is performed, a certificate with errors will be accepted and the search performed
Selected            Not Selected                  The Microsoft standard certificate verification is performed, this normally doesn’t include a revocation test.  The search will only be performed if the certificate is valid.
Selected            Selected                        Extended verification process is used, this will verify the certificate and revocation for the full certificate chain and results will be displayed.  The search will only be completed if the whole certificate chain is valid.

Improved the column redraw speed in Table Input mode
DNS Record DecodeType updated to display the tombstone time and date for a deleted record
Added Regular expression filter to the display filter

<Attribute[;Type]> <Operator> <[Value][List Name]> [Logical Operator] [condition2] [Logical Operator] [condition3] [...]
     Operator           The comparison operator, supported operators are:
                   ==        Equal
                   !=         Not Equal
                   >=        Greater than or equal
                   <=        less than or equal
                   >          Greater than
                   <          Less than
                   ##        In list (exact match)
                   !#         Not in list (exact match)
                   %%      Contains item from list
                   !%        Does not contain item from list
                   Regx    Provide Regular Expression matching on the attribute

Example: name regx ^[sS][a-z]*

LDAP Browser
To increase the performance of browsing LDAP over an SSL connection and bypass certificate errors, updated not to perform any certificate verification testing on connecting
A new context menu to define the DecodeType for attributes ** New **

DCs in Sites
Updated so that resolution of the DC’s IP address is optional

User’s Groups
Updated to also display the group scope for each group

DecodeType list:
    GTFTIME - Generalized Time Format, local time
    GTFTIME_UTC - Generalized Time Format, UTC
    FILETIME - Win32 File Date & Time Format
    64TIME - Win32 64bit Date & Time Format, local time
    64TIME_UTC - Win32 64bit Date & Time Format, UTC
    64DATE - Win32 64bit Date Format
    HEX - Display a number if Hex format
    PARENTDN - Returns the parent container of the distinguishedName
    GUID – Windows COM GUID format
    GUID_RAW – hex GUID format
    GUID_LDAP – returns the LDAP search filter format
    SID - Display Security Identifier in text form
    SID_REL - Display the relative name of the SID
    RIDPOOL - RID Pool Allocations
    IP - DWORD IP address in windows order
    IPN - DWORD IP address in network order
    ATTRIBENUM - predefined enumerate
    DSA_SIG - DSA Signature
    NTDS_DSA_OPT - Returns the options for the Options of NTDSDSA
    NTDS_CONN_OPT - Returns the options for the Options of NTDSConnection
    SITE_LINK_OPT - Returns the options for the Options of SiteLink
    TRANSPORT_OPT - Returns the options for the Options of transport container
    NTDSSSITE_OPT - Returns the options for the Options of NTDS Sites Settings
    REPL_UTDV - NC Up ToDateness Vectors
    REPS_INFO - Replication neighbours RepsTo and RepsFrom
    SD - Security Descriptor in SDDL format
    SD_SID - Returns the SID of all entries in the SD
    SD_SID_DACL - Returns the SID of the DACL entries in the SD
    SD_SID_SACL - Returns the SID of the SACL entries in the SD
    SD_SID_OWNER - Returns the SID of the Owner in the SD
    SD_NAME - Returns the resolved names of all the entries in the SD
    SD_NAME_DACL - Returns the resolved names of the DACL entries in the SD
    SD_NAME_SACL - Returns the resolved names of the SACL entries in the SD
    SD_NAME_OWNER - Returns the resolved name of the owner in the SD
    BIN - Binary list
    SIZE - The size of the data returned
    COUNT - Returns the number of entries in the attribute
    DNSRECORD - DNS entries
    DNSRECORD.TYPE - return only the type type field
    DNSRECORD.VERSION - return only the version field
    DNSRECORD.RANK - return only the rank field
    DNSRECORD.SERIAL - return only the serial field
    DNSRECORD.TTL - return only the ttl field
    DNSRECORD.TIMEOUT - return only the timeout field
    DNSRECORD.TIMESTAMP - return only the timestamp field
    DNSRECORD.DATA - return only the data field
    BEROID - Basic Encoding Rules (BER) Organization Identifier
    DNSPROPERTY - DNS Properties entries
    CERT - Certificates
    CRL - Certificate Revocation List
    PWDSEC - Password secounds
    MSTRUST - Decoder for msds-TrustForestTrustInfo
    PERIOD - Certificate renewal period
    SMTP - Display only smtp entries
    X400 - Display only x400 entries
    X500 - Display only x500 entries
    PSMTP - Display primary smtp entry
    PX400 - Display primary  x400 entry
    PX500 - Display primary x500 entry