This article show how to create an LDAP query that can be used to search for users based on an email or UPN. The query uses Input Mode to allow a list of email\UPN to be searched at one time. It will search for the user's email address in the mail, UPN and proxyaddresses attributes.
You will notice in the filter that the proxyaddresses section of search includes SMTP: in the filter, this is to ensure that only smtp entries are returned, but also to improve the performance of the search, rather than using wildcards.
Here is the Favorite, see Favorites for details on how to import this query into NetTools.
[User Mail Search] Options=879892770722397 Server= BaseDN=##default Filter=(&(objectclass=user)(|(userPrincipalName=##input)(mail=##input)(proxyaddresses=stmp:##input))) Attributes=displayname, userAccountControl,accountExpires, lastlogontimestamp DisplayFilter= Filename= Sort= Authentication=1158 Separator=,
Once the query has been imported and selected, paste a list of email addresses into the table view and click Go.
Related Items:
LDAP Search Options
Input Mode
Saved Favorites