NetTools V1.28.0

NetTools V1.28.1 - minor fix in LDAP Browser

NetTools no longer uses the ADSI APIs, all queries against the AD now only use the LDAP API, this provides a small performance increase but more importantly it provides consistency across all features.
The toolbar is now always displayed at the top of NetTools, and includes buttons for navigation, Connection Profiles, Resolver and Help and quick search by default, Pin items are displayed to the right of these buttons.

Connection Profiles  *** New ***
With previous versions of NetTools, it would use the current user's credentials and domain join information of the workstation running NetTools to authenticate and select the directory that would be interrogated and there were only a few features that supported the use of different credentials via the Use LDAP Search Credentials option.  This version introduces a new feature called Connection Profiles, which adds the extra capability to define the server connection and credentials that will be used by the tests and features and provides a common method to define and access the AD across all tests.  See Connection Profiles.

Circular References  *** New ***
A new feature to test if there are any infinite loops in your group memberships. See Circular References

Resolver *** New ***
A quick way to search for a single or multiple items, just copy and paste a a single or list of items that you want to find, and it will search the AD for the items and display if they exist in the directory or not.  The copy and pasted list can be displayname, samaccountname, DN, SID, UPN, or email address.  See Resolver

AD Properties Dialog
Added an extra tab to display the TokenGroups for user and computer objects

A complete rewrite of the function from ADSI to LDAP API

Compare Objects
Updated to include the NTSecurityDescriptor attribute 

LDAP Browser
Added an additional feature to display the attribute values as a hex dump
Fixed issue with the filter limiting the number of items displayed (v1.28.1)

LDAP Search
Table view context menu updated to include a Use Column with option to allow data in the column for common dialogs
Removed the Credential option, you now use Connection Profiles to specific different credentials and authentication methods
Updated Tab views so selected items count on the status bar is updated when a tab is selected

A complete rewrite of the function from ADSI to LDAP API